Business Benefits of Using Flutter Technology


Flutter is Google’s UI toolkit, a cross-platform framework which empowers businesses to develop beautiful, natively compiled applications from a single code base, eliminating the need for separate coders for Mobile (iOS, Android), Web, Desktop and Embedded.
The following are the major business benefits of cross-platform app development for business:

Low costs development and maintenance:

Building a native app can be a costly deal for startups as developers have to write different codes for developing applications for various operating systems. In the case of cross-platform apps, you can use a single code base to create applications that operate on several platforms flawlessly. Therefore, it efficiently reduces app maintenance cost.

Shorter time-to-market:

As cross-platform apps are developed with a single code base; therefore, there is no need of writing codes repeatedly to make your app run on different operating systems. This leads to faster app development and fulfills shorter time-to-market.

Quick and easy testing:

While developing a cross-platform application, you don’t need to hire a developer to check app performance for two different platforms. QA experts have to check only one version of the application, therefore devote less time on testing.

Similar to native app development:

The Flutter software renders using an internal graphics engine known as Skia. This software allows fast and well-optimized development than most other mobile app frameworks. A Flutter application will be ultimately indistinguishable from the native app. Because Flutter doesn’t rely on any intermediate code representations or interpretation. Additionally, Flutter development team can work seamlessly on iOS, Android, Web and Desktop. With highly advanced and custom UI designs, it is an excellent choice for mobile applications.

Customized and Impressive User Interface (UI)

Flutter lets you create beautiful applications with a core focus on end-user experience. Google has created it with a layered architecture to make it more expressive and flexible in terms of UI. This type of layered architecture provides faster UI rendering, resulting in more personalized and impressive designs. Flutter supports Android versions from Jelly Bean and iOS versions from 8 onwards.

The Startup Advantage: 

For startups with a shoestring budget, but who want to use technology, Flutter with its easy to learn framework, low cost of development and faster time-to-market is a blessing; it also gives them ample scope to experiment and innovate. Developing for multiple platforms is one of the most challenging aspects of creating enterprise applications. As a start-up business owner you only need one team of developers with Flutter instead of multiple teams for creating both iOS and Android apps without compromising on quality.

Let’s Conclude!

Last but not the least, Flutter is so easy to learn that you don’t need prior coding experience. Hiring freshers for your Flutter app development can turn out to be a real cost saving for your start-up. I am pretty sure that by now you are convinced that Flutter is a better option for mobile application needs of your start-up.


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